Our Walthamstow paint removal service safely restores bricks by removing layers of old paint, bringing back their original charm.
Paint Removal Walthamstow does sound like an easy task, and it sure it. However, to attain a uniform toned surface, without any residue of paint and patches of base color- it requires professional and expert services.
The process for paint removal is not one solution for all buildings. Different buildings require different procedure to remove paint. This procedure is identified by analyzing the previous application of paint. In order to get the right idea about the effectiveness of a specific procedure, tests are carried out on a small panel.
For a perfect and uniform paint removal, the surface is steam cleaned, with high pressure water, first so that there does not remain any layer of dirt on the surface. The buildings built with stone should have the ability to absorb moisture during the wet season, and later on they must allow its evaporation too. Some paints, however, do not allow this absorption and subsequent evaporation. Also, due to soiling the pores of structure are blocked which become a barrier between the wall and its contact with air. This impermeability of paints and soil traps water in the structure, which leads to deposition of salt and also free-thaw cycle. The weathering of structure speeds up due to the blocked pores.
At TW Brickwork, we can help you remove paint from a variety of surfaces such as bricks, wood, stone, concrete, etc. With our latest cutting-edge technology, TW Brickworks perform paint stripping and surface preparation division. At TW Brickwork, we believe that the soda blasting procedure for paint removal is more desirable than conventional paint stripping. It is non-abrasive and non-destructive process, which doesn’t damage the structure at all. At TW Brickwork, we use ecologically neutral material for soda blasting. This is our effort for protecting mother-nature and the environment. With soda blasting procedure, the substrate material is also kept safe from damaging.
Whether you want to remove paint from wood or glass, from walls or concrete, soda blasting has proven to be one of the most practical and effective procedure of paint removal. It is the perfect solution for paint removal from buildings, glass, brass, marble and other delicate surfaces. It is extremely gentle; it can remove paint with precision from a small can without denting the metal.
But of course, soda blasting cannot be applied to all projects just like that. You can get a better idea about paint removal procedure by getting a consultation with one of our representatives.
Get a free consultation today and see how we can transform your property.
Revitalize and protect your property with our professional brick cleaning solutions, tailored to restore the beauty and longevity of your brickwork.